Budget commitments 2024-2025
The 2024-25 State Budget has been handed down by the Treasurer and will deliver more than a billion dollars ($1.453 billion) to mental health, alcohol and other drug services.
This is an increase of 7.26% ($98 million) on the previous year.
Key initiatives in the 2024-25 budget include:
- $32.2 million to continue existing suicide prevention programs and initiatives
- $10.6 million for an extension to the Active Recovery Team (ART) pilot program
- $12.3 million to continue the Social and Emotional Wellbeing programs
- $22.4 million to extend the east metropolitan Acute Care Response Teams (ACRT), and establish three new teams, in the north and south metropolitan areas and the Great Southern region
- $19.5 million to continue the expanded Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) Crisis Connect service
- $4.7 million to continue the WA Country Health Service Brief Crisis Intervention (BCI) Service
- $10.7 million for the construction of a new 26-bed Sobering Up Centre (SUC) in Broome
- $17 million for forensic mental health services required for enactment of the new Criminal Law (Mental Impairment) Act 2023 (the Act), from 1 September 2024. This also includes funding to the Mental Health Advocacy Service and the Office of the Chief Psychiatrist to support the implementation of the Act.
- $7.9 million to a Western Australian Virtual Emergency Department (WAVED) mental health component and an ambulance co-response model in the metropolitan area.
- $13.6 million to ensure eight private psychiatric hostels can continue to meet minimum staffing requirements.
More information on the budget commitments can be found here.
Page last updated 09 May 2024