Strategic Commissioning
Strategic Commissioning
The Mental Health Commission (Commission) facilitates delivery of more than $1.2 billion per annum of mental health, alcohol and other drug services.
The State Commissioning Strategy for Community Services (the Strategy) aims to change the way Government delivers community services in Western Australia. The Strategy encourages collaborative ways of working between state government agencies and the community services sector, to prioritise outcomes for consumers through a person-centred and outcomes-focused commissioning approach.
It is recognised that the transition from purchasing services to a more holistic, proactive and sustainable commissioning approach will take time to achieve. The Strategy details the actions to be taken by government agencies in implementing commissioning in Western Australia and includes the requirement for line agencies to develop Agency Commissioning Plans.
The Commission’s Agency Commissioning Plan (2023-2030) (ACP) sets out the guiding principles, intentions and focus areas for commissioning over the short and medium term. The ACP is supported by a Commissioning Schedule that provides a timeline of planned commissioning for new and existing mental health and alcohol and other drug community services.
The ACP and Commissioning Schedule are now updated as part of their annual review.
The Commission has also updated the Commissioning Framework to align with its current strategic direction and to reflect contemporary commissioning practices.
To stay connected with the Commission for engagement and commissioning opportunities, you can subscribe to the Commission’s e-newsletter Stakeholder Connect. New services being commissioned by government agencies are advertised through Tenders WA, and service provider organisations are encouraged to register to be notified of any opportunities.