Graylands Reconfiguration and Forensic Taskforce
In January 2021, the Graylands Reconfiguration and Forensic Taskforce (Taskforce) was established by Government to inform the planning and investment decisions regarding the Graylands Hospital site (Graylands), forensic services, and the nearby Selby Older Adult Mental Health Service. The Taskforce is independently chaired by the Hon. Jim McGinty AM and membership consists of six public sector leaders and one independent member. The Department of Health is the lead Government agency overseeing this work and the Mental Health Commissioner is a member of the Taskforce.
The purpose of the Taskforce is to oversee the planning and development of contemporary services to meet the needs of Western Australians living with mental health issues, now and into the future. The work aligns with the WA Mental Health, Alcohol and Other Drug Services Plan 2015-2025, that highlighted the need for the services at Graylands to be decommissioned, divested and replaced with contemporary infrastructure and services.
The Mental Health Commission (Commission) has worked closely with the Department of Health and provided project, policy and planning expertise to support the Taskforce to make informed decisions and considered recommendations. This includes the establishment and facilitation of lived experience and clinical advisory groups to the Taskforce.
In late 2021, the Taskforce submitted a proposal to Government to retain the northern portion of the Graylands site for the future contemporary infrastructure and services. This option was deemed the best for mental health consumers and their carers and families, as well as the highly specialised workforce.
Since 2019/20 the following key milestones have included:
- 2019/20 State Budget - $3 million was initially allocated to the Department of Health to undertake detailed planning for the decommissioning and reconfiguration of mental health services.
- November 2021 - The Minister for Health provided an update to Parliament on the work of the Taskforce including that the northern portion of the Graylands site would be retained for contemporary forensic and rehabilitation facilities.
- 2022/23 State Budget – $10 million was allocated to the Department of Health for the Taskforce to continue planning. This is being conducted in collaboration with the Commission and North Metropolitan Health Service.
- 2023/24 State Budget - $219 million (which includes $15 million funding from the Australian Government) is being committed to the Department of Health to enable the first stage of works on the Graylands Hospital site. This investment will include the construction of at least 53 additional forensic mental health beds, including a five-bed unit for children and adolescents.
The Taskforce will conclude their term in July 2023. The Commission will continue to work closely with the Department of Health and support ongoing consultation with key stakeholders. The continued contributions of people with lived and living experience, clinicians, the workforce, and other key stakeholders is acknowledged by the Department of Health and Commission as being critical to this work.
Announcements and updates
Media Statement: 2019-20 Budget announcement (May 2020)
Media Statement: Establishment of the Taskforce (January 2021)
Parliamentary Update: Taskforce concept plan (November 2021)
Media Statement: 2022-23 Budget announcement (May 2022)
Media Statement: 2023-24 Budget announcement (April 2023)
Last updated 12 June 2023