Ministerial Taskforce into Public Mental Health Services for Infants, Children and Adolescents aged 0-18 years in Western Australia (ICA Taskforce)
The independent Ministerial Taskforce into Public Mental Health Services for Infants, Children and Adolescents aged 0-18 years in Western Australia (ICA Taskforce) was created in response to the tragic death of 13-year-old Kate Savage in 2020.
The ICA Taskforce was charged with investigating the pressures and demands on the state’s mental health system and reporting to Government on how to ensure children receive the treatment and care they need, when they need it.
The Final Report of the Ministerial Taskforce into Public Mental Health Services for Infants, Children and Adolescents aged 0 – 18 years in Western Australia was released in March 2022 and outlined a framework to transform the mental health system into a contemporary, evidence-informed model of service and models of care that meet the needs of children in WA from the day they are born through to their 18th birthdays.
The Government is committed to implementing all 32 recommendations, and to the state-wide, system-wide reform of infant, child and adolescent mental health services.
The Taskforce and its Advisory Groups
The ICA Taskforce was led by an independent chair and has actively engaged children, young people, families, clinicians, support providers, and other key stakeholders in the design of public specialist child and adolescent mental health services for infants, children and adolescents aged 0 – 18 years that fit the unique metropolitan, regional, rural and remote circumstances of WA.
The members of the Taskforce were:
- Independent Taskforce Chair, Robyn Kruk AO
- Mental Health Commissioner, Ms Jennifer McGrath
- Child and Adolescent Consultant Psychiatrist, Professor Helen Milroy
- Chief Medical Officer - Mental Health, Dr Sophie Davison
- Chief Nursing and Midwifery Officer, Dr Robina Redknap
- Chief Executive of the CAHS, Dr Aresh Anwar
- Chief Executive of the WA Country Health Service (WACHS), Mr Jeffrey Moffet
- Consumer lived experience representative, Ms Georgia Anderson
- Family/carer lived experience representative, Ms Wendy Cream
- Clinical representative, Dr Pradeep Rao
The taskforce has been guided by over 100 members across three advisory groups - lived experience, clinical and interagency. A list of expert advisory group members can be found here;
- Clinical expert advisory group
- Interagency expert advisory group
- Lived Experience expert advisory group
If you have any questions or comments, email
Emerging Directions: The Crucial Issues For Change has been prepared to provide stakeholders the opportunity to provide feedback. Find out more
Latest news
Media Statement: New youth mental health service opens in Great Southern
Media Statement: Mental health system overhaul to better care for our children and adolescents
Taskforce Communique - 16 December 2021
Taskforce Communique – 6 September 2021
Taskforce Communique - 25 June 2021
Taskforce Communique - 24 May 2021
Taskforce Communique - 10 May 2021
Taskforce Communique - 19 March 2021
Taskforce Communique - 11 March 2021
Media Statement: Children’s mental health review to drive future focus
Background Information