Young People's Mental Health and Alcohol and Other Drug Use: Priorities for Action 2020-2025

On 16 December 2020 the Young People’s Mental Health and Alcohol and Other Drug Use: Priorities for Action 2020-2025 (YPPA) was launched.

The YPPA guides the State Government, the Mental Health Commission and other agencies, the mental health and AOD sector, and other stakeholders across the community, in supporting and responding to the mental health and AOD needs of young people aged 12 to 24 years. Children aged 0-11 are the focus of the Ministerial Taskforce into Public Mental Health Services for Infants, Children and Adolescents aged 0-18 years in Western Australia (ICA Taskforce).

The YPPA builds on previous plans, strategies and frameworks developed by Government and non-government organisations. A list of these resources can be found here.

YPPA Report on Implementation 2021

On 13 May 2022, the Mental Health Commission released the Young People's Mental Health and Alcohol and Other Drug Use: Priorities for Action 2020-2025 - Report on Implementation 2021 (the Report) to guide current and future YPPA initiatives.

The Report provides an update on progress made since the launch of the YPPA to support the mental health and wellbeing of young people aged 12 to 24 years.

Extensive stakeholder engagement was undertaken to develop the Report. The Mental Health Commission partnered with the Youth Mental Health Sub Network and the Youth Affairs Council of Western Australia (YACWA) to help ensure that young people had different ways they could choose to be represented, engaged, and involved. The Report provides an overview of these engagement activities and outlines ongoing governance and reporting arrangements.

Our Future, Our Priorities: Young People’s Priorities for Action 2021 Implementation Update highlights some key YPPA initiatives identified by young people in a user friendly format. It also includes contact details of services young people, families and carers can access to seek free support.

The Report on Implementation was released alongside a public art exhibition titled Project Elevation featuring artwork from young artists on the theme of mental health. Some of this artwork has been included within the Report and can also be viewed here.

The artwork submitted as part of the development of the Report can be viewed here.

More information on the development of the YPPA can be read here.

YPPA Progress Highlights 2022-23 provides an overview of progress made in implementing the YPPA in 2022-2023 and highlights advances in selected key initiatives. Young artists from Project Elevation 2023 contributed artworks for this report.


For any other enquiries about the YPPA project, please email:


For information about young people and mental health, including tips and services information, go to the Youth page under Your health and wellbeing.




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