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News Listings
Expression of Interest – Independent Member – Audit and Risk Committee
We are seeking a suitably qualified and experienced candidate to become an independent member of the Audit and Risk Committee.
New website a hub for careers in alcohol and other drugs sector
To help you learn about the various tertiary and vocational pathways available in the AOD sector, as well as the career options available, we have launched a new website.
Mental Health Kids Hub opens its doors
WA children will have access to early intervention and mental health support following the opening of The Kids Hub on 31 January in Midland.
New plan for mental health emergency response
The State Government has released the Community Treatment, Support and Emergency Response report.
Advance your skills with AOD training
Enhance your knowledge and expertise in supporting people who use alcohol and other drugs with AOD training.
Alcohol, Drug and Mental Health Support Service website launch
The Alcohol, Drug and Mental Health Support Service has launched a new website which will provide a better experience for the Western Australian community through improved design, system navigation and tailored content.
New ICA Website launches
The Infant, Child and Adolescent System Transformation Program now has its own website where you can stay up to date on the latest developments.
Youth mental health service opens in Great Southern
The State Government has expanded Acute Care and Response Teams (ACRT) to Albany and surrounding communities.
WA Disability Royal Commission Roadmap released
The Mental Health Commission supports the WA Disability Royal Commission Roadmap.
LGBTIQA+ Older Adult Mental Health Statewide Consultation
The WA Country Health Service is leading the development of the state's first Older Adult Mental Health Model of Service, outlining how care is delivered to older adults with mental health issues in Western Australia.