Congratulations to the WA Mental Health Awards 2021 Winners
The winners of the Western Australian Mental Health Awards 2021 were announced last night at an awards ceremony attended by representatives across the mental health sector.
These important awards celebrate individuals and organisations that made an outstanding contribution to mental health in the 2020 calendar year.
Congratulations to the following winners;
- Shireen Narayanan, Invasion Films and Celia Tait, Artemis Media – Documentary: Wild Butterfly, winner of the News Media Award, for excellence in journalism and reporting on mental health.
- Connection and Wellbeing Australia, winner of the Diversity Award, for an individual, organisation or group that embraces diversity and promotes inclusion with an initiative that benefits a particular population group.
- Yawardani Jan-ga, winner of the Innovation for Change Award for outstanding innovation driving change for better mental health.
- Irene Patroni, winner of the Mental Health Employee Excellence or Volunteer Award, for outstanding contribution to mental health in WA by an individual employed or volunteering in the sector.
- Youth Focus, winner of the Prevention or Promotion Award for outstanding contribution to prevention and/or promotion in mental health.
- Mount Barker Community College, winner of the Mentally Healthy Education Award, for educational institutions that encourage, support and promote good mental health for its students, staff and volunteers.
- Clough, winner of the Mentally Healthy Workplace Award, for a workplace that encourages, supports and promotes good mental health for its staff.
- Julian Pace, winner of the Lived Experience Impact Inspiration Award, sponsored by the Mental Health Commission, for outstanding contribution to mental health in WA by an individual who identifies as having a lived experience (consumer, carer or family member).
This year saw the introduction of a new category, the inaugural Minister’s Award, won by Juli Coffin. The Hon Stephen Dawson MLC, Minister for Mental Health presented the award and congratulated Professor Coffin on her outstanding achievement and dedication to supporting positive mental health outcomes for the community. The award recognises best practice at every level.
Congratulations to all 158 nominees and the award winners for your hard work, dedication and efforts to provide support and positive mental health outcomes for all Western Australians.

Julian Pace, winner of the Lived Experience Impact Inspiration Award and Mental Health Commissioner Jennifer McGrath