Government’s commitment to mental health, alcohol and other drug governance reforms
In response to the Independent Review of the WA Health System Governance Report released in October 2022, a Ministerial Working Group was established to further investigate practical solutions for a future governance model for mental health, alcohol and other drugs.
Following careful consideration of the advice provided by this Working Group, the Government has today announced a range of reforms to strengthen leadership, accountability and collaboration of the WA mental health and alcohol and other drugs system.
While there will be no changes to the commissioning responsibilities between the Commission and the Department of Health, agencies will be establishing a more contemporary and joined up approach to plan and commission mental health, alcohol and other drug services moving forward.
As part of the reform package, the Government has committed to:
- Develop a new mental health and alcohol and other drug strategy, that prioritises delivery of a recovery-oriented, community-focused, and integrated system.
- Establish a Ministerial Advisory Panel with membership from mental health and alcohol and other drug community sector leaders and lived experience leaders.
- Establish a Lived Experience Advisory Group and a Clinical Advisory Group to work with key system leaders.
- Embed a dedicated senior mental health executive position within each Health Service Provider, reporting directly to the Chief Executive.
- Set up Lived Experience, Aboriginal and AOD leadership roles.
- Prioritise capacity-building and understandings of contemporary approaches to mental health and alcohol and other drug service delivery.
For more information, read the Minister’s media statement.