New alcohol and other drug support service for health care professionals
In response to COVID-19, the Minister for Mental Health Roger Cook last week announced the launch of a hotline to assist GPs and other front-line health professionals to provide treatment and support to patients experiencing alcohol and other drug (AOD) issues. The dedicated line for health professionals provides access to specialist clinicians for expert alcohol and other drug treatment advice.
The new Drug and Alcohol Clinical Advisory Service (DACAS) telephone line provides specialist AOD advice and support to health professionals across the WA health care system, including appropriate substance detoxification advice and community treatment referral guidance.
This expansion of current Alcohol and Drug Support Services will ensure that no matter where they are located within WA, clinicians will have access to leading treatment and advice regarding alcohol and other drug issues. The service is provided by experienced addiction medicine specialists and is available at no charge to all health professionals in Western Australia, including GPs, public and private hospital emergency physicians and other health professionals.
Find out more about the service at
While this new service is designed for health professionals, the Mental Health Commission also offer existing support lines – for anyone concerned about their own or another person’s drug use, they can call the Alcohol & Drug Support Line 24/7 for confidential, non-judgemental advice and support on 9442 5000, or 1800 192 024 for country callers.