WA Disability Royal Commission Roadmap released

Published on 16 Jan 2025

The Mental Health Commission supports the WA Disability Royal Commission Roadmap (the Roadmap) and looks forward to improving WA health systems for people with cognitive disability, including prevention of chronic health and their complex mental health needs.

The Roadmap is underpinned by five guiding principles: valuing lived experience, integrating sector expertise, taking a whole-of-government approach, ensuring ongoing refinement and improvement, and accountability.

It aims to guide the WA Government’s work, enact reforms recommended in the Disability Royal Commission and bring about meaningful and lasting change to make WA a safer, more inclusive and accessible place for people with disability, including mental health disabilities.

The Roadmap provides key implementation timeframes, dividing them into short-term actions, to be implemented by June 2026; medium-term actions, to be implemented between July 2026 and June 2029; and long-term actions, to be implemented from July 2029 onwards.

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