Inpatient Withdrawal Unit
The Inpatient Withdrawal Unit provides supervised, medical treatment for clients 18 years and older requiring withdrawal from alcohol and other drugs. The 17 bed unit is staffed 24 hours a day, seven days a week by nurses and Aboriginal health workers. Doctors are on site during normal business hours and are available on call after hours including weekends and public holidays.
The Inpatient Withdrawal Unit receives elective or booked admissions, with pregnant women, Aboriginal clients and people from rural and remote areas, considered as high priorities.
The inpatient withdrawal unit provides a culturally secure environment for Aboriginal clients by providing:
- Support during admission planning on request.
- One-to-one support, yarning, and advocacy.
- Liaison with case workers, family, and other services as required.
Clients already receiving hospital treatment who are in acute alcohol withdrawal are also given priority. Where possible, these clients are offered admission on the day of referral.
Generally withdrawal involves a 7 day admission and there is a no visiting policy for the duration of the clients’ stay. The unit runs a therapeutic and education focused group program every day. Groups are an important component of treatment and everyone is expected to participate.
All services are confidential and free.
How can I access this service?
Clients seeking withdrawal treatment can access Next Step’s outpatient services at East Perth or at a Community Alcohol and Drug Service. These outpatient services can arrange a referral to the Inpatient Withdrawal Unit. Planned inpatient referrals can also be received from other drug and alcohol treatment services, Community Program for Opioid Pharmacotherapy prescribers, rural health services, Department of Corrective Services, Department of Child Protection and Family Support, mental health services, hospital emergency departments, Aboriginal health services and other healthcare providers.
Once your referral is received, you will be contacted by the Inpatient Withdrawal Unit Clinical Nurse Specialist to discuss your referral and admission. Generally a date is set for your admission which is usually within two weeks depending on bed availability.
If you are assessed as not appropriate for admission, your referrer will be advised so alternative treatment options can be explored with you.
Information and Resources
For more information you can download the:
- Next Step Inpatient Withdrawal Unit Brochure
- Next Step Inpatient Withdrawal Unit Client Admission Information Brochure
Information for professionals
Inpatient Withdrawal Unit Clinical Pathway
Take a walk through Next Step Inpatient Withdrawal Unit
Consumers at Next Step talk about their experiences at the service