Strategic direction
The strategic direction of the Commission is guided by the Western Australian Mental Health, Alcohol and Other Drug Services Plan 2015-2025.
The Plan provides a roadmap for service development, transformation and expansion of mental health, alcohol and other drug services over the next ten years.
The implementation of the Plan requires partnerships between all key stakeholders, including all levels of Government, private and non-government, health and non-health sectors, clinicians, consumers, families and carers.
Our vision is for a Western Australian community that experiences minimal alcohol and other drug-related harms and optimal mental health.
The WA State Priorities Mental Health, Alcohol and Other Drugs 2020-2024 outlines the Government’s immediate priorities to reform and improve the mental health, alcohol and other drug sector over four years from 2020.
They provide focus to the large number of action items outlined in the Plan and are also aligned to the reform agenda set out in the government's Sustainable Health Review for the delivery of patient-first, innovative and financially sustainable health care.
The 29 key focus areas in the State Priorities 2020-2024 have been identified as likely to have the maximum positive impact on the mental health, alcohol and other drug system and provide for further improvements in the future.
The Mental Health Commission's strategic direction is also guided by the following:
- A Safe Place - A Western Australian strategy to provide safe and stable accommodation and support to people experiencing mental health, alcohol and other drug issues 2020-2025 (pdf);
- Western Australian Suicide Prevention Framework 2021 - 2025;
- Western Australian Mental Health Promotion, Mental Illness, Alcohol and Other Drug Prevention Plan 2018-2025;
- Western Australian Alcohol and Drug Interagency Strategy 2018-2022
- Western Australian Mental Health, Alcohol and Other Drug Workforce Strategic Framework 2020-2025; and
- Young People's Mental Health and Alcohol and Other Drug Use: Priorities for Action 2020-2025.
Nationally, there is the Fifth National Plan for Mental Health and Suicide Prevention, the National Mental Health and Wellbeing Pandemic Response Plan, National Drug Strategy (and its sub-strategies for alcohol, other drugs, Aboriginal people and workforce development), as well as progress towards Vision 2030.
For more information about how the Commission is developing the sector you can visit the Major Projects page.