Advocacy services and peak bodies
Advocacy services work to improve the outcome for individuals and more broadly across the whole community. There are services which act on behalf of people with mental illness, their family and carers as well as people who use alcohol and drugs. In most cases these services are free.
Peak bodies provide a voice for people with mental health, alcohol or drug problems as well as their family and carers. They represent the hopes and concerns of members and promote their interests to government and the community.
To find an advocacy service or peak body, please look at the list below.
- Carers Association of WA - Statewide, Carers - 1800 242 636
- Helping Minds (Mental Health Carers Arafmi WA) - Kimberley; Pilbara; Statewide and Metrowide, Adolescent and Carers - 1800 811 747
- Little Dreamers Australia (Young Carers)* - National - 1800 717 515
- Consumers of Mental Health WA (COMHWA) - Statewide - 08 9258 8911
- Multicultural Futures- Metrowide, CALD - 08 9336 8282
- Health Consumers Council* - Statewide - 1800 620 780
- Mental Health Advocacy Service (MHAS)* - 1800 999 057
- Mental Health Law Centre - Metrowide, Individual Advocacy - 1800 620 285
- Mental Health Matters 2 (MHM2)* - 0413 861 049
- Rise Network - North Metropolitan and Wheatbelt - 08 6274 3700
Support groups
- Connect Groups - Statewide - 1800 195 575
- WA Peer Supporters Network (COMHWA)
Peak bodies
- Western Australian Network of Alcohol and other Drug Agencies (WANADA) - Statewide - 08 6557 9400
- Western Australian Association for Mental Health (WAAMH) - Statewide - 08 6246 3000
- Alcohol and Other Drug Consumer & Community Coalition (AODCCC) - 08 6311 8402
* These services are not funded by the Mental Health Commission.