Frequently Asked Questions
What is My Services?
My Services is an online directory of mental health, alcohol and other drug (AOD) services in Western Australia (WA).
Why is the directory needed?
My Services makes it easier for consumers, carers and families to navigate the mental health system and find support for mental health and AOD issues.
How does the directory work?
My Services is free to access. The directory is managed by the Mental Health Commission and the listings are hosted by My Community Directory.
It is easy to use – you simply click on navigation buttons and answer a short series of questions to search for services that match what you are looking for.
Which types of services does the directory include?
The directory includes all mental health and AOD services in WA, both metropolitan and regional, that are funded by the State Government through the Mental Health Commission.
Services that do not receive funding from the Commission can also list in the directory, as long as they meet the eligibility criteria of My Community Directory.
Services can apply via My Community Directory and are checked against the Australian Business Register, including any Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission status.
Organisations that are ‘MHC funded’ are identified by a green icon next to their listing.
What does Mental Health Commission funded mean?
The purple badge on some services indicates the Mental Health Commission provides funding to that organisation for mental health or alcohol and other drug services. It does not mean that the Mental Health Commission necessarily funds that particular service.
What if I need help urgently?
My Services includes emergency contacts for immediate help, and links to helplines, live chat services and online forums so you can access advice in real time, as well as links to online resources.
There are no services in my area that meet my needs. What should I do?
Try searching for services in your nearest regional centre. Services in regional centres are often responsible for servicing their whole region.
Visit your local GP or health clinic. They will often have local knowledge of how best to support you or can help you develop a mental health plan.
You can also call a helpline, such as:
- Here For You 1800 437 348
- Alcohol and Drug Support Line 9442 5000, Country callers 1800 198 024.
- Rurallink 1800 552 002, TTY 1800 720 101)
- Lifeline 13 11 14
- Beyond Blue 1300 224 636
- A list of helplines can be found here
Does the Mental Health Commission endorse the services in the directory?
No. Because any eligible organisation can list in My Community Directory, they can also appear in My Services. It is up to you to determine whether a service is right for you.
How often is the information in the directory updated?
The services listed in the directory can manage their own listings in real time, so information can be updated within minutes. The directory has built-in reminders to prompt services to review their content regularly to help keep it current, and My Community Directory administrators can also make changes to listings if needed.
Who can I contact if I need help with the directory?
If you encounter any technical problems while using My Services please email or phone My Community Directory on 1300 762 515. If you need help navigating the directory you can email or phone the Mental Health Commission on (08) 6553 0600 for assistance.
How can I report an error with a listing?
If you notice any errors or information that isn’t up to date in a listing, please fill in the feedback form so the issue can be corrected.
Can I give a review of a service in the directory?
My Services does not include the ability to provide reviews.
If you are not satisfied with how you have been treated by a service listed in the directory, the first step is to raise the issue with the service directly. If that doesn’t address the issue, information on how to make a complaint is available on the Mental Health Commission website.
What is the difference between My Services and The Green Book?
My Services helps make it easier for consumers, carers and families to find support for mental health, alcohol and other drug issues online, while WANADA's hard copy Green Book was developed for the sector.