Mental Health resources

You can find local services in the My Services online directory.

You can download this 'Helping Someone in Distress' booklet and print for your own use. 

Our Think Mental Health website also has resources related to the current Think Mental Health campaign and our Strong Spirit Strong Mind website has culturally secure information for Aboriginal people.

Many of the organisations we fund produce resources. You can find prevention and community information organisations or browse our Getting help and Your health and wellbeing pages.

Find more Mental Health resources at Medicare Mental Health - the Federal Government's gateway to digital mental health resources - find apps, digital programs and other resources.

We have produced a resource on grief and loss titled “When someone takes their own life…what next?”, which contains information on grief, the coroner’s office, finance, how to talk to children and funeral arrangements. It also has sections on social media, getting help and how to support a friend or colleague through the loss of a loved one to suicide. It is also available in hard copy by request.

You can find fact sheets about how to cope after disasters and how to cope after bushfires on the mental health and wellbeing during emergencies page

Mental Health Act 2014 resources

Find resources related to the Mental Health Act 2014

National Standards for Mental Health Services

The National Standards for Mental Health Services are developed and produced by the Commonwealth Department of Health.

You can download the National Standards for Mental Health Services or read more about how the National Standards apply to services funded by the WA Mental Health Commission


The Australian Bureau of Statistics and Australian Institute of Health and Welfare collate information about mental health at a National and State level. These agencies produce the below reports, which may be of interest:

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