Prevention and wellbeing promotion organisations
Many organisations work to optimise mental health in the community, help people avoid mental illness, and reduce alcohol and other drug related harms. These include community inclusion organisations, education and promotion programs and research institutions.
The services that the Mental Health Commission specifically funds are listed below, along with other key prevention organisations. Contact the individual organisation to find out how you can become involved.
Mental Health:
- Act Belong Commit (Curtin University of Technology) - Statewide - 08 9266 1705
- Ahead for Business* - Small Businesses
- Aussie Optimism (Curtin University of Technology) - Metrowide, Adolescent - 08 9266 3970
- Beyond Blue - Statewide - 1300 22 4636
- Bite Back (by Black Dog Institute)* - for young people aged 13 to 16)
- Black Dog Institute* - 08 9382 4530
- Corroboree for Life*
- Dr YES (Australian Medical Association)*
- Inclusion WA - Metrowide - 08 9201 8900
- Haka for Life*
- Happiness Co Foundation*
- Medicare Mental Health*
- Helping Minds - Kimberley; Pilbara; Statewide and Metrowide, Adolescent and Carers - 1800 811 747
- Lifeline WA - Statewide - 08 9261 4444
- Living Proud - Statewide - 08 9486 9855
- MATES In Construction - Statewide - 1300 642 111
- Embrace Multicultural Mental Health* - 02 6285 3100
- National Education Initiative*
-* - Statewide - 02 8029 7777
- Regional Men's Health initiative - 08 9690 2277
- Richmind WA - Metrowide - 1800 742 466
- Three Tier Youth Mental Health Program - Peel
- Three Tier Youth Mental Health Program - Warren Blackwood
- Freedom Centre (Western Australian AIDS Council) - Statewide, Youth - 08 9482 0000
- Think Mental Health - Statewide
- Mental Health Week (coordinated by the Western Australian Association for Mental Health (WAAMH) - Statewide - 08 6246 000
- Zero2Hero*
Alcohol and other drugs:
- Alcohol. Think Again - Statewide
- Drug Aware - Statewide
- Local Drug Action Groups - Statewide - 08 6553 0257
- School Drug Education and Road Aware (SDERA) Statewide, Adolescent - 08 9402 6415
- Strong Spirit Strong Mind Aboriginal Programs - Metrowide
* These services are not funded by the Mental Health Commission.