Pilot Youth Transitional Housing and Support Program
The youth transitional housing and support program (YTHSP) helps young people aged 16 to 24 years who experience mental health issues, including those with co-occurring alcohol and other drugs issues, who need short-term support to manage day-to-day living alongside transitional accommodation. The YTHSP is for up to three years or less if the young person reaches the age of 25 before they have been in the program for three years.
As part of the YTHSP, young people can access one-on-one support that connect them with non-clinical care and other services they may need. This may include supports to improve their physical health and emotional stability, connect to community, family and friends, secure employment, advance their education and skills and tenancy support. In addition, access to transitional accommodation and clinical case management through a public mental health team.
Young people will be provided with varying levels of support each week depending on their individual needs. These packages will assist young people living in the community, independently in transitional accommodation, to increasingly participate in and contribute to community, social, and economic life. Where applicable, the packages will also provide support to family members.
Anglicare WA and Mind Australia are responsible for delivering the support packages. Leveraging their experience in delivering recovery-based programs to young people, they are responsible for:
• Developing individual support packages in partnership with the young person; and
• Providing psychosocial supports as detailed in the young person’s individual support package.
For more information on the YTHSP program, including how to complete a referral, contact the Mental Health Commission at ypspplans@mhc.wa.gov.au.
Additional information about the YTHSP program is available in the YTHSP Program Guidelines.