2019-20 State Budget
The 2019-20 State Budget will deliver $942.1 million to mental health, alcohol and other drug services in 2019-20, via the Mental Health Commission, representing an increase of $23.7 million, or 2.6% from the previous year.
Overall general budget expenditure is forecast to increase by 1.5% in 2019-20.
Key initiatives in the budget include:
- $42.5 million to the co-ordinated and integrated approach to address methamphetamine issues in Western Australia as part of the State Government’s full response to the Methamphetamine Action Plan Taskforce report;
- $22.4 million to continue the development of four regional community mental health step up/step down services;
- $20.1 for the continuation of the North West Drug and Alcohol Support Program;
- $8.1 million for continuation of programs within Suicide Prevention 2020: Together We Can Save Lives through to December 2020;
- $5.9 million for the continuation of the Mental Health Court Diversion program;
- $3.3 million for the continuation of the 55-bed Transitional Housing and Support Program, with and additional 13 new beds;
- $3.6 million to establish a state-wide Recovery College in Western Australia;
- $1.1 million for School Drug Education and Road Awareness (SDERA) Program;
- $0.9 million for continuation of the Strong Spirit Strong Mind Workforce Training;
- $0.6 million for Frontline Worker Training; and
- $0.5 million for Peer Education Program
There is also additional funding provided to the Department of Health:
- $15.6 million for a 20-bed, secure mental health unit at Fremantle Hospital;
- $4 million for a mental health emergency centre at Midland St John of God Public Hospital; and
- $3 million to fund comprehensive planning to decommission Graylands Hospital and reconfigure mental health services to contemporary models of community based care.
Read our 2019-20 Budget Bulletin. Media Statements from the Minister for Mental Health also provide further information.