Sector governance
On 31 August 2023, the Western Australian Government committed to establishing new governance arrangements for the mental health and alcohol and other drugs systems as part of a package of reforms associated with the Independent Review of WA Health System Governance (IGR).
The new structure will be comprised of the:
- Mental Health, Wellbeing, Alcohol and Other Drugs Ministerial Advisory Panel;
- Mental Health, Wellbeing, Alcohol and Other Drugs Joint Leadership Group;
- Clinical Advisory Group; and
- Lived Experience Advisory Group.
Mental Health, Alcohol and other Drug Governance Structure.
The Mental Health Commission is also supported by the Alcohol and Other Drugs Advisory Board (AODAB). The AODAB is established pursuant to s.14 of the Alcohol and Other Drug Act 1974 to provide advice to the CEO (Mental Health Commissioner).
Ministerial Advisory Panel
The Mental Health, Wellbeing, Alcohol and Other Drugs Ministerial Advisory Panel (MAP) is an expert advisory and consultative body that provides direct feedback to the Minister for Health; Mental Health (Minister) about system performance and reform progress.
The Mental Health Commissioner and the Department of Health Director General attend the MAP as observers to stay abreast of the MAP’s feedback and advice.
The MAP is independent of the Mental Health Commission and the Department of Health.
MAP Meeting Communique - 30 April 2024
MAP Meeting Communique - 29 July 2024
MAP Meeting Communique - 8 October 2024
Ministerial Advisory Panel Membership
Name | Position |
Hon Amber-Jade Sanderson | (Co-Chair), Minister for Health; Mental Health |
Margaret Doherty | (Co-Chair), Lived Experience Leader (Carer) |
Alex Arpino | Alcohol and Other Drug Consumers and Community Coalition (Development Coordinator) |
Tracey Brand | Aboriginal Health Council of WA (Nominated representative) |
Shannon Calvert | Lived Experience Leader (Consumer) |
Sue Cantwell | St John of God (CEO Social Outreach) |
Taryn Harvey | Western Australian Association for Mental Health (CEO) |
Dr Helen Milroy | Professor of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry |
Darren Munday | Consumers of Mental Health WA (CEO) |
Jill Rundle | Western Australian Network of Alcohol and Other Drugs (CEO) |
Tanya Sim | Lived Experience Leader (Carer) |
Julia Stafford | Alcohol and Other Drug Advisory Board (Deputy Chair) |
Joint Leadership Group
The Mental Health, Wellbeing, Alcohol and Other Drugs Joint Leadership Group (JLG) is tasked by the Minister to be responsible for the performance of the public and community mental health and alcohol and other drug systems, inclusive of strategic reform objectives.
The JLG provides high level, system-wide, collaborative decision-making, and oversight to deliver a system that adopts a person-centred approach and encapsulates whole of system priorities. This includes the transition to community-based services that provide prevention, earlier intervention, and diversion away from acute in-patient services.
The Mental Health Commissioner and the Department of Health Director General Co-Chair the JLG. They are accountable to the Minister who has responsibility for administering the mental health (including alcohol and other drugs) and health portfolio. Members include the Chief Executive Officers of each of the Health Service Providers. The Mental Health Commission's Assistant Commissioner for Aboriginal Affairs, Alcohol and Other Drugs, Lived Experience Consumer, and Lived Experience Significant Other will attend as strategic advisors to the JLG.
Download the Communiques.
Joint Leadership Group Membership
Name | Position |
Shirley Bowen | (Co-Chair) - Director General, Department of Health |
Maureen Lewis | (Co-Chair) - Mental Health Commissioner, Mental Health Commission |
Paul Forden | Chief Executive, South Metropolitan Health Service |
Rob Toms | Chief Executive, North Metropolitan Health Service |
Lesley Bennett | Chief Executive, East Metropolitan Health Service |
Valerie Buić | Chief Executive, Child and Adolescent Health Service |
Jeffrey Moffet | Chief Executive, WA Country Health Service |
Clinical Advisory Group
The Clinical Advisory Group (CAG) is an advisory body and supports the JLG by providing contemporary, practical and achievable expert advice on clinical mental health, alcohol and other drug matters in a range of settings inclusive of both inpatient and community settings.
The CAG is a Ministerially appointed Committee and is co-chaired by the Mental Health Commission's Deputy Commissioner, Commissioning and Programs.
The CAG members are comprised of diverse and multidisciplinary professionals with clinical expertise in mental health and alcohol and other drugs issues and conditions.
Clinical Advisory Group members
Monica Taylor (Co-Chair) | Deputy Commissioner Commissioning and Programs, Mental Health Commission |
Dr Steven Blefari (Co-Chair) | Head of Department ICAMHS Southwest WACHS; Director of Training Rural Psychiatry Training WA, WACHS |
Dr Robina Redknap | Chief Nursing and Midwifery Officer, Department of Health |
Dr Sarah Youngson | General Practitioner, Bridgetown Medical |
Lana Moncur | Allied Health Coordinator, North Metropolitan Health Service |
Jennifer Wilton | Nurse Practitioner, Silver Chain |
Teresa Stevenson | Clinical Psychologist, Rockingham Peel Group |
Dr Richard O'Regan | Addiction Medicine Consultant, East Metropolitan Health Service Royal Perth Bentley Group |
Chloe Walker | Addiction Medicine Nurse Practitioner, Next Step |
Carolyn Bright | Psychologist, North Metropolitan Health Service Women and Newborn Health Service |
Josephine Gray | Aboriginal Mental Health Consultant, WA Country Health Service |
Dr Vinesh Gupta | Medical Co Director, East Metropolitan Health Service |
Lived Experience Advisory Group
The Lived Experience Advisory Group (LEAG) supports the JLG by providing advice grounded in lived experiences and human rights.
The LEAG is an advisory body, responsible for ensuring that the voices of consumers, family members and significant others and community members with lived and living experience of mental health, alcohol and other drug issues, harms and service use are embedded in the relevant work being undertaken across the mental health and alcohol and other drug systems.
The LEAG is a Ministerially appointed Committee and is co-chaired by the Commission’s Lived Experience and Alcohol and Other Drugs Assistant Commissioners.
The LEAG members are comprised of diverse designated Lived Experience members, inclusive of emerging Lived Experience Leaders.
Joint Executive Director Group
An action from the first meeting of the JLG was to establish a subgroup to meet monthly, with membership comprising all Health Service Provider Executive Directors. This group will be chaired by the Mental Health Commission's Deputy Commissioner, Commissioning and Planning and will support decisions and actions as requested by the JLG. To facilitate the group in undertaking its function, all members will be appointed as standing advisors to the JLG.
Joint Executive Director Group Membership
Name | Position |
Monica Taylor | (Chair) Deputy Commissioner Commissioning and Programs, Mental Health Commission |
Jill Pascoe | Executive Director Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service |
Megan Inglis | Executive Director Governance and System Support, Department of Health |
Sandra Miller | Executive Director Safety and Quality, East Metropolitan Health Service |
Dr Theresa Marshall | Executive Director Mental Health, Public Health and Dental Services, North Metropolitan Health Service |
Tim Leen | Executive Director Mental Health and Transformation |
Dr Samir Heble | A/Executive Director Mental Health |
Last updated 15 November 2024