Disability Access and Inclusion Plan Consultation Survey

Published on 3 Dec 2021

The Mental Health Commission is committed to providing accessible and inclusive services and facilities which reflect the diversity of our community. 

We are reviewing our Disability Access and Inclusion Plan (DAIP) and invite the community to provide feedback which will inform development of the new five-year Disability Access and Inclusion Plan. 

Consultation with stakeholders is an important step in the continuous improvement cycle and your valuable feedback will help us identify meaningful opportunities for improvement and areas for continued focus. 

Disability Access and Inclusion Plan Consultation Survey with picture of three people in the background


We recognise that people with disability, their families and carers have the same right to access mental health, alcohol and other drug related services and that we can leverage our role in the planning and commissioning of services to better meet the needs of our diverse community.   

The DAIP incorporates seven key outcomes found in the Disability Services Act (1993). 

  1. People with disability have the same opportunities to access the services of and any events organised by the Commission.
  2. People with disability have the same opportunities to access the buildings and other facilities of the Commission.
  3. People with disability receive information from the Commission in a format that will enable them to access the information readily.
  4. People with disability receive the same level and quality of service from the staff of the Commission.
  5. People with disability have the same opportunity to make complaints to the Commission.
  6. People with disability have the same opportunities to participate in any public consultation by the Commission.
  7. People with disability have the same opportunities to obtain and maintain employment with the Commission.

We look forward to making further progress and maintaining focus on access and inclusion goals to promote diversity in our workforce, support diversity in the community and maintain accessible and inclusive services and facilities. 

The Online survey closed on Friday 31 December 2021.

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