Next Step Drug and Alcohol Service transitions to EMHS
The Next Step Drug and Alcohol Service (Next Step) has now transitioned from the Mental Health Commission to East Metropolitan Health Services (EMHS).
It will deliver benefits including increased integration between hospital and community-based services to deliver the best practice care and treatment throughout Western Australia.
Contact information for Next Step Drug and Alcohol services and how people engage with its services won’t change.
It will continue to provide assessment, treatment and advice for those experiencing problems associated with their alcohol and other drug use, as well as support for their families.
MHC will remain the commissioning agency of Next Step, via EMHS, and will continue our commissioning arrangement with Community Alcohol and Drug Services (CADS).
The Project Steering Committee and Project Control Group for the transition worked progressively through the transition elements, service functions and workforce requirements to help ensure a smooth and successful transition to EMHS.