WA the State of Wellbeing – Mental Health & AOD System Leadership Forum
The Mental Health, Alcohol and Other Drugs – System Leadership Forum was held on 28 October 2020, hosted by the Sustainable Health Review (SHR) Strategy 2 Co-Leads, Jennifer McGrath, Mental Health Commissioner, and Liz MacLeod, Chief Executive East Metropolitan Health Service.
The Forum consisted of several activities and events for the attendees to take part in, including a welcome by the Deputy Premier and Minister for Mental Health, Roger Cook, developing a headline on what the mental health and AOD sector would look like in 2025 and discussions on the five key priority projects under the SHR.
The five key priority projects for the forum were the Young People Priority Framework; the Roadmap for Community Service Emergency Response, Treatment and Support; the WA Suicide Prevention Framework 2021-2025; Forensic services; and Workforce Strategic Framework.
The day was closed by Parliamentary Secretary Alanna Clohesy and the SHR Strategy 2 Co-Leads, who summarised the highlights of the forum and focused on their hope and vision for a mental health and AOD system that contributes to WA being the State of Wellbeing.
Read the forum overview, and feedback on each of the priority projects.