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Have your say Head to Health Kids Hub draft model of service
Last change to have your say! Draft model of service for Head to Health Kids is available for public comment!
New campaign encourages young adults to find their way to okay
A new Think Mental Health campaign will kick off this weekend, promoting mental wellbeing among young adults aged 18 to 24 years.
Government’s commitment to mental health, alcohol and other drug governance reforms
The Government has today announced a range of reforms to strengthen leadership, accountability and collaboration of the WA mental health and alcohol and other drugs system.
International Overdose Awareness Day 2023 recognises those who go unseen
Today, on International Overdose Awareness Day, the Mental Health Commission remembers those who have died, and acknowledges the grief of the family and friends left behind.
EOI Lived Experience members to join the Secure Rehabilitation and Recovery Unit Model of Service Working Group
To support the development of the Statewide Model of Service for Secure Rehabilitation and Recovery Units (SRRU) Model of Service, we are seeking Expressions of Interest to represent the views of people with a lived or living experience on a Working Group
Release of ICA Transformation Implementation Program Models of Care
The Infant, Child and Adolescent (ICA) System Transformation Implementation Program’s 12 Models of Care (MoC) and system principles have been released.
New national mental health bodies co-design opportunity
The Commonwealth Government is creating peak bodies to support people with a lived or living experience of mental health issues to shape the policies and programs that affect them.
New Alcohol and Other Drugs Community Prevention Service launches
Holyoake have been contracted to deliver an Alcohol and Other Drugs Community Prevention Service across five regions in Western Australia, including the Kimberley, Mid-West, Goldfields, Great Southern, and South West.
Expression of Interest for Lived Experience members to join the Mental Health Allied Health Workforce: Clinical Capabilities Framework - Advisory Group
We are seeking two Lived Experience representatives to join the Advisory Group to develop a Mental Health Clinical Capabilities Framework
Expression of Interest for the Community Treatment including Emergency Reponses Project
To support the Community Mental Health Treatment Services (CTER) project in it's final phase, we are seeking Expressions of Interest to participate in reference groups.