Diversion options for juveniles

Young Persons Opportunity Program 

The Young Persons Opportunity Program (YPOP) is a voluntary drug treatment program for young people (12 to 17 years-of-age inclusive) with low level offending who are in contact with a juvenile justice team and who have emerging or significant illicit drug related problems.

As part of the program, the young person and their family will be able to talk to a Diversion Officer, who is a trained drug and alcohol counsellor. The Diversion Officer will provide information and ongoing support as well as access to other support services.

Contact the Alcohol and Drug Support Line for more information.

Youth Supervised Treatment Intervention Regime 

The Youth Supervised Treatment Intervention Regime (YSTIR) is a program to assist young people (10 to 17 years-of-age inclusive) with drug use problems who are attending the Perth Children's Court drug court for moderate-level crimes.

Participants who plead guilty to an offence, and who would normally receive a fine or community based order, are suitable for the program.

A referral to YSTIR for assessment can be requested by a magistrate, lawyer, police prosecutor, the offender or by someone else in the court room. However, referral to YSTIR is at the magistrate's discretion.

If referred to the program, the offender's case will be remanded for approximately three months so they can access treatment for their drug use.

Participation in the program is coordinated by the Court and Assessment Treatment (CATS) Officer.

Throughout treatment, participants are required to see a drug and alcohol counsellor regularly and undergo urinalysis and other court requirements.  Participants are also required to attend court and see the referring magistrate at regular intervals. 

Following treatment, the offender will return to court for sentencing.

For more information on YSTIR, contact the Perth Children’s Court on 9218 0100 or speak to the Children’s Court CATS Officer at Perth Children’s Court.

Please note that a Children’s Court Drug Court also operates in the Perth Children’s Court. For more info on the Children’s Court Drug Court contact the Perth Children’s Court on 9218 0100.

Cannabis Intervention Requirement Scheme

Young people aged 14 to 17 years deemed eligible by WA Police may also be diverted to treatment via the Cannabis Intervention Requirement scheme. 





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