Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) training
The Mental Health Commission offers a suite of FREE Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) training for health professionals and service providers, as outlined below.
Valuable Conversations for reducing the impact of alcohol use during child-bearing years
Remote or virtual attendance for this event is not suitable.
The Valuable Conversations training is a two-day event delivered across Western Australia. The target audience for this training is service providers who work with children of childbearing age.
The content covers the following topics:
- Reflective Practice as a tool to improve working with community members.
- Trauma Informed Care and Practice to help recognise why alcohol use may happen during pregnancy.
- Motivational Interviewing to express partnership, acceptance, compassion and empowerment.
- FASD prevention using the National Strategic Action Plan to guide holistic care.
- Brief Interventions to integrate new knowledge and skills into practice.
To access the registration form, click the link provided: https://forms.office.com/r/GBSR2nD8Bu
Stakeholder Workshop: FASD prevention with communities
Remote or virtual attendance for this event is not suitable.
This one-day workshop is designed to:
- Introduce FASD for community and regional stakeholders
- Plan community and/or regional FASD prevention activities
- Build a FASD prevention network
- Promote the Valuable Conversations for reducing the impact of alcohol use during childbearing years training event
- Present FASD prevention funding opportunities
To access the registration form, click the link provided: https://forms.office.com/r/Rg9p2mY7xY
For more information
- Visit AlcoholThinkAgain website here: Alcohol During Pregnancy | Alcohol Think Again
- Contact Dionne or Louise at FASDprevention@mhc.wa.gov.au